Referral Program F.A.Q.

About the Referral Program

If you are subscribed to Daily Pnut and receive our newsletter on weekdays, you may also refer other readers to do the same: subscribe to Daily Pnut! By making referrals, you stand to earn great rewards every time you reach a referral milestone.

What is a referral milestone?

Whenever you complete a predetermined total number of referrals, you reach a referral milestone and qualify for the reward associated with that milestone. The eight referral milestones are at 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, and 1000 total referrals.

How do I refer?

To receive credit for a referral, you have to get new readers to sign up to the Daily Pnut through your unique referral link, found in your PnutID referral hub page.

  • Share your unique link with others you think might like to read Daily Pnut!
  • If a new reader clicks on your link to our website, they will be directed to the Daily Pnut homepage.
  • If they then sign up to the Daily Pnut, you will receive credit for one referral!

What are the rewards?

  • 5 referrals – Access to the Exclusive Daily Pnut Sunday Newsletter
  • 10 referrals – An Invitation to Daily Pnut Slack Community
  • 25 referrals – A Daily Pnut Spiral Notebook
  • 50 referrals – A Daily Pnut T-shirt
  • 75 referrals – A Daily Pnut Travel Mug
  • 100 referrals – A Daily Pnut Hoodie
  • 250 referrals – The Pnut Power Subscription Pack
  • 1000 referrals – The Ultimate Brainiac Package

Log in to your PnutID page with your email address to find out more about the rewards!

How do I know how many referrals I have?

You can do so by logging into your PnutID page with your email. A counter keeps track of all your successful referrals and tells you how many more you need to reach your next milestone!

How do I claim the rewards?

If you make enough total referrals to reach a milestone and hence qualify for a reward, you will receive an email from Daily Pnut with instructions on how to claim it. For example, if you reach 25 total referrals, you will receive an email with a unique code to redeem a spiral notebook at the Daily Pnut Store.

Do I have to start over when I redeem a reward?

No – the milestones are based on the total number of referrals you make through the lifetime of your readership with us. Keep referring and don’t hesitate to claim your rewards!