September 12, 2016

The Orlando Shooter’s Mosque Was Set On Fire

An act of arson on the mosque at Fort Pierce Islamic Center is being treated as a suspected hate crime. The fire at the mosque – which was attended by Orlando Pulse gunman Omar Mateen – was reported at 12:31 am but was not quelled until 5 am. The event coincides with the advent of Eid al-Adha and the 15-year memorial of 9/11, and it’s difficult to believe that’s a coincidence. Meanwhile in New York, a woman dressed in traditional Muslim clothing was set on fire by an attacker. Fortunately, the victim survived and an investigation is underway for this possible hate crime. Social media forums have largely reacted to the incident with messages of support and criticism of these separate fires as an act of anti-Muslim bigotry.   

Yes, I want to sound marginally more intelligent: