August 31, 2016

Trump Builds A Bridge To Mexico, But Still Wants The Wall

Donald Trump may not be part of the Republican Establishment, but he knows how to be the elephant in the room. In what could be billed as one of the most awkward political moments of 2016 (and there have been so many) Trump landed in Mexico on Wednesday for a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto to discuss, among other things, a wall. In an attempt to keep the details of the trip out of the press, Trump and his small entourage landed in Mexico without any fuss or trouble, proving the futility of building a wall with each step. Trump spent much of the meeting focused on the “positives,” like shared security and economic interests. We can’t imagine why he’d want to gloss over his own insistence on building a wall along the Mexican border and forcing the Mexican government to pay for it. Despite that rhetoric being deeply offensive to Mexicans, Trump signaled that he will stick with the plans for a wall anyway. Who says you can’t build bridges by building walls? 

P.S. In case you were wondering, no, they didn’t discuss who would pay for the wall.

Yes, I want to sound marginally more intelligent: