June 07, 2016

Netanyahu Denies Friendship With A Lonely Fraudster

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu acknowledged that he did, in fact, receive donations from Arnaud Mimran, the French businessman on trial in France for alleged fraud, but they weren’t the huge donations as Mimran alleged. The news comes after weeks of increasingly embarrassing revelations about the pair’s friendship while Mimran stands trial for alleged €283 million scam involving the trade of carbon credits. Hoping to convey that they were just acquaintances, Netanyahu denies the claim that he received one million euros and instead brings the number down to about $40,000. Mimran is still trying to prove that the two are BFFs: he has produced pictures of them yachting, claims that Netanyahu lived at his Paris home for awhile, and pretty much revealed everything short of an “Arnaud <3 Bibi” tattoo.

Good Listen: Serial Season 2 Episode 1

Yes, I want to sound marginally more intelligent: