December 09, 2016

A Dinosaur Tail Was Discovered Inside A Piece Of Amber

What we’re about to tell you sounds like the exposition to Jurassic Park, but that’s because it is. In a once-in-a-lifetime find, Chinese paleontologist Xing Lida discovered part of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur entombed in a piece of amber. The discovery has blown away scientists and pretty much everyone besides Steven Spielberg. Turns out, the tail section belongs to a young coelurosaurian, which belonged to the same group of dinosaurs as the predatory velociraptors and the tyrannosaurus. But what makes this discovery so important is what’s inside the amber: both bone fragments and feathers. Xing’s startling discovery just adds to the mounting evidence that many dinosaurs looked more like Big Bird than Godzilla.

Yes, I want to sound marginally more intelligent: